Sid Brian Yates

Sid Brian Yates

sid brian yates Illustrated book Sid Brian Yates is an illustrator based in Sussex. Having written and illustrated a book about Presidents of the United States, he approached hrscreative to design and print the publication. A 140pp perfect bound book featured a fold...
The Kew Society

The Kew Society

THE kew society Illustrated map and guided walk The Kew Society is a charity dedicated to enhancing the beauty and character of Kew with its historic legacy of buildings and green spaces. They approached hrscreative to illustrate, design and produce a leaflet showing...


AYPH Charity Rebranding and Website AYPH works to understand and meet the particular health and wellbeing needs of 10-25 year olds. Their mission is all young people to have the best possible health and equal access to high quality youth friendly services. hrscreative...


RED QUADRANT Interactive Toolkit and Films for MOPAC This toolkit, produced by RedQuadrant for The Mayor’s Office of Policing and Crime (MOPAC), was developed with support from the Department for Education and the Home Office. The purpose of this toolkit is to...
Lewes Pound

Lewes Pound

The Lewes Pound Marketing materials for local currency The Lewes Pound is more than just money. It celebrates Lewes and the diversity and richness of its independent traders, producers and suppliers, encouraging visitors to come to Lewes and residents all to shop...