by hrscreative | Apr 18, 2023
a sense of occasion Branding and website A Sense of Occasion is the trading name for Paula Black, Independent Celebrant, based in Sussex. Starting a new business in a highly competitive sector, where people buy people, Paula approached hrscreative to design a brand,...
by hrscreative | May 26, 2022
AYPH Charity Rebranding and Website AYPH works to understand and meet the particular health and wellbeing needs of 10-25 year olds. Their mission is all young people to have the best possible health and equal access to high quality youth friendly services. hrscreative...
by hrscreative | May 13, 2021
social action for health Branding, Our Genes Our Health Social Action for Health is an East London based charity which engages with local people, affected by health disadvantages and inequalities, supporting communities to identify and build on their strengths....
by hrscreative | Oct 20, 2020
The Lewes Pound Marketing materials for local currency The Lewes Pound is more than just money. It celebrates Lewes and the diversity and richness of its independent traders, producers and suppliers, encouraging visitors to come to Lewes and residents all to shop...
by hrscreative | Jul 21, 2020
Royal College of Nursing Printed media Royal College of Nursing (RCN) is the world’s largest nursing trade union and professional body representing nurses, midwives, student nurses, health care assistants, assistant practitioners, nursing degree apprentices and...
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